Williams Lake

No question about it, a little nostalgia is a nice thing. And that’s exactly what we experienced on a night out in Williams Lake, British Columbia. 

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Joel Primus
Dawson Creek

Author Seth Godin famously said, “Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from.”

That is a call so many are heeding. Of course, we also know that it’s false to think happiness is a destination we can find. Instead, it’s found in the precious moments along the journey. That said, large cities play into that false story because they too often manifest the tireless pursuit of progress and the “bigger is better” mentality.

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Joel Primus
Wild Rivers

For humans and animals alike, rivers are the arteries that give life to us all. They’ve shaped habitats, cultures, civilization and generations of indigenous tribes; trappers, hunters and prospectors travelled the river highways and depended on them for survival. In British Columbia, it's said that the heyday of Rivermen came to an end around 1972. Since then, our relationship with rivers has become more recreational. 

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Joel Primus
The Goat Hunt

The beginning of something is always special and not altogether clear. This Goat Hunt marks the first official hunt and pilot episode of the Finding Nowhere Project; however, a hilariously failed Bear hunt, and a nearly fatal Goat hunt (that included my going hypothermic), as well as a friendly all-night jaunt down a Grizzly-Bear infested mountain in a thunderstorm the previous fall all transpired before the “official” hunt. So maybe that’s where this all starts?

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Joel Primus
Prince George

Prince George has served as home base for most of our hunting exploits. It also serves as home. Joel was born there, and Ryan has called this Northern B.C. town home all his life.

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Joel Primus

When Ryan let me know that instead of hunting this spring we’d be foraging in the woods, I

had flashes of Louis C.K.’s comedy special at the Beacon Theatre. In his performance, God

gets mad at a white person for ruining the earth and needing a job in order to eat.

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Joel Primus